Monday, April 9, 2012

Blogging About Blogs

I didn't particularly like blogging, but I think I liked it more than whatever the alternative would have been. I'd never done a blog type thing for a class, so it was a nice change of pace. As far as a measure of participation, (I think that's what these assignments fall under) I liked it a lot. I thought it was cool how we were able to read what everybody else thought about something before class. If there was any confusion about the assignment, I could see what other people did and reread the assignment on the class blog. I liked being able to get a wide range of opinions really quickly. I also felt like I was able to get to know people in the class better. It wasn't as awkward as it could have been to change seats because I had be reading people's blog so I sort of knew them. At the same time, that's kind of creepy, but I guess that's the name of the game when it comes to blogging. It was like an out of class discussion done on my own time, which was very convenient. I think it would have been cool to kind of continue the discussion in class more, because just a couple of the blog posts felt a little disconnected from what was going on in class. But, it was probably a time constraint kind of thing. I liked how we didn't have to bring a lot of assignments to class because we just did it on the blog. It was nice to not have to worry about printing something out beforehand. The biggest difference in blogging an assignment instead of turning in a paper is that I feel it is much easier to be informal when blogging than actually writing it down. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing; it's more just kind of is. It's also easy to write more when it's a blog (as is evidenced by this long rambling paragraph). Once again, I don't know if that's good or bad. At any rate, I think the blog posts were a good addition to the class.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Analyze a Website

I chose to analyze the site. I don't remember how or why I found this site, but I think it's kind of cool. I'm not exactly sure who this person is, but whatever. I think I'll focus most of my analyzing on the timeline portion of the site.
Kay, so as far as alignment goes, they are not particularly original. Everything is right aligned, but it gives it a very orderly and polished feel. This is especially evident on the timeline section of the site. I really like how on the timeline, everything is in the three aligned columns. It's very easy to find the information you need. All of the columns and their information are aligned making it very predictable, but that's kind of the idea with a timeline so it totally works. I also like how the block of the block of text is indented, but the titles and years are not. I think it helps emphasize the titles as titles and the block of text as more in-depth information. The alignment of the pictures is also very effective. I like how all the pictures are cropped to the same width and then put flush against the line that divides the sections. It looks kind of funny with one picture, but when there several sections in a row with pictures it adds a really nice cohesive and polished look.
We've got a nice contrast with light gray lettering and dividers on a black background. When the mouse goes in a particular section the text turns white nicely emphasizing what the mouse is over. I think the black and white contrast is pretty common, but I think it's kind of a classy type of thing. It can be kind of boring if your not careful, but I think it works here. It's a very professional and sleek look. The pictures really "pop" because they are the only color on the page. You look at the picture first and then over to the text for more information. It's like the picture is the hook and then you can find out more if it interests you.
So the proximity element is fairly predictable here because it is a timeline. I like how the leave plenty of empty space between the sections. It gives it a very open feel. It's hard to read and stay engaged in something that feels crowded and cramped. Here, they give their text plenty of breathing room. Every block of text is it's own entity. I would like to see their years numbers a little bigger though.
There's some nice repetition of text size and fonts going on. The years' text is different than the other text. But the titles and the text blocks are the same font just in different sizes. This site preserves the flow by using the same size for all the titles and then the same size for all the blocks of text.
There are three columns in the timeline. They aren't equal, but they increase in size from left to right and it's comfortable for the eye to look at. It kind of draws the eye across the screen from left to right. Continuing on the thirds theme, most of the pictures follow the rule of thirds which makes them more effective.
So, I think this site scores pretty high on the design principles test.

Monday, March 26, 2012

What I've Done and Websites

 One of my concerns was the counterarguments. Today I did a little more research and found out some of the specific adverse reactions that can occur with vaccination and added a nice paragraph about it to my paper. I was also worried about cohesiveness. I haven't really done anything specifically to address that problem, but it seems like my flow isn't as bad as I originally thought. I think my next step will be to go through all of my transition and make sure they are effective.

Effective Websites

Ineffective Websites

I think one big design thing is empty space and how you use it. Size and placement of text is huge too.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not Patchwriting and my issues with the Issues

The modern definition of myth has change from something with cultural and historical significance to a word we use to express disbelief that another's values are as valid as ours (Bacchilega 25).
I'm struggling making my paper a coherent whole. I have a lot of cool things I want to say, but it's a bit of challenge to organize them logically. Also, now that I've written my first draft, I realize that I have some holes in my research, which is a bit of a bummer. As another issue, I'm not sure I really addressed the counterarguments well. Perhaps I should just give up and run away to Nova Scotia. Just kidding. If I was to run away I'd go somewhere more tropical. Be looking for a postcard from Jamaica!:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What I Learned From Library Day 1

Our class in the library was really helpful and I'm glad that such days are part of the Writing 150 course. The biggest thing I came away with is that there is no need to fear research. There are so many resources available and so many people willing and able to help. It was helpful to learn about the open lab, the live library chat thing and the actual people in the library who are there to help. I really like that Writing 150 has it's own page under the library's page. I had no idea about that before yesterday. I had used similar databases before, but it was nice to learn what ones the library had and which ones they recommended for different aspects of research. I also learned that encyclopedias are a big no-no in college level writing. They are good only for background information and should not be cited. As far as questions go, I don't have too many about research in general. Most of mine are more topic specific like, "How exactly should I narrow this topic down and make sense of it?" and "Why me?" (ha ha, just kidding). In addition to everything I learned about research, I also learned that iPad's are more of a cool concept than a practical tool. That's that to say I didn't enjoy using one, along with the bummer-car style desks. Those were sweet.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Issues Paper Proposal

I came upon my topic while reading a Desert News article titled "War on Boys." This article covers a lot of different ways boys are getting the short end of the stick in today's society. What I want to focus on it the views boys have of girls and womanhood and how those are impacted by the internet and how this is related to gender inequality. As I typed after "focus" I realized what I said wasn't terribly focused, but I think this is the general direction I want to go. My initial stance is that this is a problem that needs to addressed in an effectively and timely manner (a super lame stance, I know. I'm working on that, but I'm thinking it will come as I focus my topic). I will be asking questions like these. What would need to change in society and the media to present girls as less sexualized and victimized and would this change be possible? How are non-virtual romantic relationships and gender inequality impacted by a boy's use of porn and video games?
I'm not completely sold on this specific topic, but I think it's a good place to start. I find this topic in general fascinating because for so long women have been consider the ones being treated unjustly in the gender war. According to this article in the DN, men and boys are doing worse than girls in women in just about every statistic named. Boys have worse emotional health, lower graduation rates and higher suicide rates. There has been a big push to get girls into math and sciences, but there hasn't been a big push for boys in any direction. There is most assuredly gender inequality, but not in the direction people often think. As I type this I starting to realize that I'm more interested in other aspects of this issue, but the one I have above fits the best with "new media."Anyway, I think this topic has a lot of potential.

**Update** As of right now this is my argument.
"Video games and porn are increasing the gender gap by negatively impacting boys' emotional and realationship health."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20 Ideas

  1. Social communication
  2. global connections
  3. facebook and impact on relationships
  4. realness of virtual world
  5. civic obligations versus rights
  6. distance running
  7. paradox of giving
  8. freedom of speech issues
  9. comfort food
  10. smiling
  11. feed effects on meat
  12. healing wounds
  13. regency romance
  14. gardening
  15. national parks
  16. user friendliness
  17. grade inflation
  18. standardized testing
  19. socioeconomic status vs race
  20. political correctness
Ha ha! I challenge anyone and everyone to come up with a more random list than mine.

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    Peer Review Changes and Favorite Movies

    1) There are a few places that I will combine sentences.
    2) I will reword the sentences my peer reviewers said were awkward or unclear.
    3) I will take a closer look at my conclusion and try and make it crystal clear.

    These are some of my favorite movies
    -The Emperor's New Groove
    -Ever After
    -The Incredibles
    -National Treasure
    -The Fugitive
    -White Christmas

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    Love Letter (Shakespearean style)

    To the Fair Guinevere:

    I sit around this table with sad heart
    Away from thee depressed, my spirit weeps.
    My love is full as a complete circle
    Finished and whole, an unending line of
    Passion, unbroken as the seasons swing
    For thou enchantress  of my heart I write.

    Angels are said to oft times fall down from
    The azure sky, to meet mortals as we
    Toil and sing us softly through a life
    What immortal words their voices toll and
    Lead poor sinners through a dark and slipp'ry place

    Thou art as an angle sent to sing to
    Me and my heart of gravel and of stone
    To fuel my passion and give me a hope
    Of making this a sweeter trek through
    A wilderness. Kiss me, sweet chuck, and then
    I'll know your passion's just as mine and more.

    Your Lover,

    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    Love Similes

    1)They were as close as people on a Chinese subway.

    2)Unrequited love is like realizing that the dinner you made wasn't really as good as you originally thought; you were just super hungry.

    3)Her lips were as red as a violet. She had hypothermia.

    4)My heart beats for you like a frequency of 440 Hz against a frequency of 450 Hz.

    5)He stared into her eyes like a vampire stares at a phlebotomist.

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    Letters Explaining My Transgression

    To the Honorable Yu Rin Truble
    Dear Sir:
    Due to a set of unfavorable coincidences, I received my fourth traffic ticket resulting in a suspension of my driving privileges. I appreciate all the effort in takes to effectively run a government and I am a full supporter of the principle of due process, but I feel the charges against me are unwarranted. The circumstances surrounding my situation at the time of my fourth ticket make it unreasonable for this ticket to stand. There is a fine line between the spirit of the law and the letter. As a judge, surely you must understand that. If rushing a precious pet to the vet does not warrant a slight increase of speed, I'm sure I do not know what does. My boa constrictor needed me that day. I respectfully request that you review my case.
    Heather Johnson

    To my dear mother
    Dear Mom,
    How's going Mommy? Things are well here. I went to the basketball game last night and it was super fun. I'm doing really well in all my classes and all my tests went great this week. Things just seem to be falling into place for me. I even volunteered at the elementary school this week. The only bad thing this week was that Bernie had a massive stroke, so I had to rush him to the vet. On my way there, I had a bit of a run in with a cop, but things are ok. I think when I come to visit next weekend I'll will just try and catch a ride with someone.  You'll be proud of me; I'm planning on spending a lot less money on gas in the next little while. It's a great money saving plan I have worked up. I'll tell you more about it next weekend. Love ya lots!
    love, Heather

    To my classy classmates
    Hey guys,
    You'll never guess what happened last weekend. You know Bernie, my boa? So, he was like having a stroke so I had to rush him to the vet on Friday. The good news is he's okay. The bad news is I got a traffic ticket. Ridiculous I know. All I was doing was saving my pet's life! Anyway, here's the deal, this ticket was my fourth one, so yeah, no more driving for me. I feel super bad about not being able to drive to the concert, but I working on getting off the hook. Hopefully, you guys will back me up. It's way stupid that I got this ticket in the first place. I wasn't even going that fast and nobody ever really makes a complete stop. Besides my snake was DYING! Sometimes I think the cops are just out to get us. So....I may need a little help getting around until I can get this ticket resolved... you guys got my back right? You know I'd help you out.

    Saturday, February 4, 2012

    I Found a Poem!!!!

    Since their debut in 1986, The Peking Acrobats have redefined audience perceptions of Chinese acrobatics. They perform daring maneuvers atop a precarious pagoda of chairs. They are experts at treacherous feats of trick cycling, precision tumbling, somersaulting, and gymnastics. They defy gravity with amazing displays of contortion, flexibility, and control. They push the envelope of human possibility with astonishing juggling dexterity and incredible balancing feats, showcasing tremendous skill and ability. They are masters of agility and grace.
    Found Poem:
         Since their debut in 1986,
    The Peking Acrobats have redefined audience perceptions
         of Chinese acrobatics.
    They perform daring maneuvers
         atop a precarious pagoda
              of chairs.
    They are experts at treacherous feats
         of trick cycling,
              precision tumbling,
                   somersaulting, and
    They defy gravity
         with amazing displays of contortion,
              flexibility, and
    They push the envelope of human possibility
         with astonishing juggling dexterity and
              incredible balancing feats,
         showcasing tremendous
    They are masters of

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    Critical Reading Questions

    I chose the "Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future" mostly because this guy is a super funny writer. This was just hilarious to read and I'm all about fun reading. I suppose entertainment wasn't really a goal of this assignment, so I shall move on to more important things like critical reading questions. yippee!
    1) The author's intent is to get college students to take a closer look at their education. The education he is describing is less about academics and more about everything a person knows, creates and experiences. The authors wants students to use the internet to its full potential for their own advantage. He wants them to use the academic system in a way that will benefit them and not the way academia wants the students to use it. He is trying to convey the idea that success is not about a college degree, but what you can create and how you channel your passion into new cool stuff.
    2) This guy uses humor and a lot of it. It's fantastic. Questions as well as metaphors are also big in this article. He likes to emphasize with caps. Irony and exaggeration play a role here too. The tone of voice he takes is super good for his audience. Reading it is like having a conversation with him. I'm not really sure what tool you would call this, but he uses angle brackets < > throughout his article like he's writing some html. It totally adds to what he is saying. He also effectively uses slang and sentences fragments.
    3) So if I'm the audience for this article, he totally nailed it on the head. I didn't really agree of some of the things he was saying, but it made me think. Having people think was one of his objectives so he scores! I'm thinking this article is very effective. Some of his ideas are a little uncomfortable to deal with up front (like college could be ruining your future), but he was able to present them in a way that spoke to his audience.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    Feelings on Peer Review

    I've never been a real fan of peer reviews. Our current peer review assignment I found particularly nasty because there were so many papers to go over. I felt like the number of papers made it hard to spend the time to really know the paper and make good comments. I would like reviewing only one or two papers. I don't really like peer reviews because I would rather spend the time working on my own paper. I also feel like a overly critical, grumpy person or a totally apathetic person with no useful comments when I peer review.  
    My experience today in class was one of the most positive experiences I've had with peer review. Thanks people in my group! You made some good suggestions that I wouldn't have thought of.

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    My Errors

    1-"This is an easy way to sort thing out because students are already grouped by envelope." subject verb agreement 
    "This is an easy way to sort things out because students are already grouped by envelope."
    2-"Granted, if sophomores and upperclassmen have not fulfilled these GEs yet then there is a problem." This sentence has multiple problems. I'm thinking taking out the yet and putting a comma after GEs. Then the first part of the sentence would be a dependent clause the last part an independent which would mean a comma. 
    "Granted, if sophomores and upper classman have not fulfilled these GEs, then there is a problem. 
    3-"I wished I could tell you something shockingly horrible happened when I depressed my mouse button, but it was your run-of-the-mill adding a class procedure, which turned Freshman Mentoring into a conveyer of miscommunication (not to be confused with lying, which would be against the Honor Code)." wrong tense- subject verb agreement 
    "I wish I could tell you something shockingly horrible happened when I depressed my mouse button, but it was your run-of-the-mill adding a class procedure, which turned Freshman Mentoring into a conveyer of miscommunication (not to be confused with lying, which would be against the Honor Code)."
    4-"The Freshman Mentoring program definitely gives a person enrolled that feeling, even if in all reality, it is not babysitting." enrolled messes with the real verb of the sentence (gives) 
    "The Freshman Mentoring program definitely gives a participant that feeling, even if in all reality, it is not babysitting."
    5-"When I talk to the Freshman Mentoring office about my predicament, they advised me to take Writing 150 through them and a political science class outside of the program to fulfill the half the American Heritage requirement that I was missing." switching tense in the middle of the sentence
    "When I talked to the Freshman Mentoring office about my predicament, they advised me to take Writing 150 through them and a political science class outside of the program to fulfill the half the American Heritage requirement that I was missing." 

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    Yippee for Commas!!

    Ha ha! So this totally fits with the punctuation apocalypse that we had today.  

    Monday, January 16, 2012

    #1 Fallacies and E/P/L

    “The BCS is a bunch of crock. A championship cannot be determined by computers, sportscasters, coaches or college presidents. An honest championship should be decided on the field, by the players. College football fans ought to be ashamed. They should be screaming the loudest. They should be demanding an honest playoff system. Is honesty and integrity not important? When did we lose sight of what is right, what is good, what is great?”
    This is from the Opinion/Letters section of the Deseret News. This is a red herring fallacy. Red herrings try to cover up the real issue by bringing up more emotional issues. The writer’s last sentence is talking about society’s moral decline and claims that people no longer care about what is right and good. The real issue is whether or not the current playoff system is fair. The writer obscures the real issue by asking about the values of humanity which are a much more emotional issue than college football.

    Ethos 1- “I am a soldier” 2- “The gates of mercy shall be shut” –by saying this Henry suggests that he has the authority to choose when to extend mercy.
    Pathos  1- “With conscience wide as hell, mowing like grass/ Your fresh-fair virgins and your flowering infants. 2- “your pure maidens fall into the hand/ Of hot and forcing violation?”
    Logos 1- “will you yield, and this avoid,” 2- “If I begin the battery once again,/ I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur/ Till in her ashes she lie buried.”

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    Why I am So Cool

    First off, I am super humble. Next, I'm from Burley, Idaho. If that's not cool I'm not sure what is. But, really Burley was a way awesome place to grow up. There seems to be endless recreational opportunities around the Burley area. Happily my dad is a recreation enthusiast so we have a whole garage full of various outdoor equipment. The Snake River offers some really good boating. My favorite boating activity is skiing, but I also enjoy kneeboarding, wakeboarding and of course tubing. Kayaking is good stuff too. In addition to the river, the mountains close by are chuck full of amazingness, like a ski resort, mountain bike trails, good places to snowshoe & cross country ski, rock climbing and camping spots. So, yeah, I like the outdoors.
    Before you write me off as a granola or something like that, I also really enjoy theatrical productions. I would hate being in play, but I love watching them. One of the highlights of my Christmas season was seeing BYU's production of White Christmas and one of my favorite summer traditions is going to the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City with my mom and sisters. I also really love Georgette Heyer novels. Seriously, they are wonderful. 
    Now is the point where I move onto my special skills, such as bow hunting and nunchuck skills. Unfortunately, I have neither of these, but I can make pavlova. I consider this a far superior skill to either of the aforementioned ones. I've done the Spudman triathlon twice. It consists of a one mile swim, a 26 mile bike and a 10K run.  I'm not sure if this counts as a skill, but I'm putting it here anyway. 
    Well, now you know why I am so cool. See ya in class!