Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not Patchwriting and my issues with the Issues

The modern definition of myth has change from something with cultural and historical significance to a word we use to express disbelief that another's values are as valid as ours (Bacchilega 25).
I'm struggling making my paper a coherent whole. I have a lot of cool things I want to say, but it's a bit of challenge to organize them logically. Also, now that I've written my first draft, I realize that I have some holes in my research, which is a bit of a bummer. As another issue, I'm not sure I really addressed the counterarguments well. Perhaps I should just give up and run away to Nova Scotia. Just kidding. If I was to run away I'd go somewhere more tropical. Be looking for a postcard from Jamaica!:)


  1. I agree that it's hard to organize your paper into a cohesive, flowing body. Something that has helped me is to get all of my ideas down on paper and then decide how I would try to explain the argument to someone in person and then try to organize my paper that way. I don't know if that helps, but good luck!

  2. What i would do is after writing a draft of your paper, print it out, then reread it and mark up changes and write on your paper alot. It will help you organize when you start the second draft. Also you could have one of your roommates read your paper and see what kind of feedback they have.

  3. Yeah, I am worried about how my paper is organized as well. I guess the nice thing is that as we revise our rough drafts that we can see and maybe even switch around the organization of the ideas in our papers. Also, Jamaica sounds like a splendid place to escape to! Haha.
