Thursday, March 1, 2012

Issues Paper Proposal

I came upon my topic while reading a Desert News article titled "War on Boys." This article covers a lot of different ways boys are getting the short end of the stick in today's society. What I want to focus on it the views boys have of girls and womanhood and how those are impacted by the internet and how this is related to gender inequality. As I typed after "focus" I realized what I said wasn't terribly focused, but I think this is the general direction I want to go. My initial stance is that this is a problem that needs to addressed in an effectively and timely manner (a super lame stance, I know. I'm working on that, but I'm thinking it will come as I focus my topic). I will be asking questions like these. What would need to change in society and the media to present girls as less sexualized and victimized and would this change be possible? How are non-virtual romantic relationships and gender inequality impacted by a boy's use of porn and video games?
I'm not completely sold on this specific topic, but I think it's a good place to start. I find this topic in general fascinating because for so long women have been consider the ones being treated unjustly in the gender war. According to this article in the DN, men and boys are doing worse than girls in women in just about every statistic named. Boys have worse emotional health, lower graduation rates and higher suicide rates. There has been a big push to get girls into math and sciences, but there hasn't been a big push for boys in any direction. There is most assuredly gender inequality, but not in the direction people often think. As I type this I starting to realize that I'm more interested in other aspects of this issue, but the one I have above fits the best with "new media."Anyway, I think this topic has a lot of potential.

**Update** As of right now this is my argument.
"Video games and porn are increasing the gender gap by negatively impacting boys' emotional and realationship health."


  1. This is definitely a interesting topic. I am curious to find out more about the subject! good job!

  2. This is a great topic! It will be cool to see where your research leads you to with your official stance. Nice work! :)

  3. All those facts in your last paragraph about just how boys have been getting the short end of the stick are fascinating. I've really never thought about it in that way before (which I guess is the problem :) ). Good work!

  4. This could be very interesting because it's looking at the topic of gender inequality from a different perspective than it's usually seen. So I like the idea of your broad topic. However, your final stance might be a bit problematic. You might want to steer away from talking about pornography and video games as solely a male issue--because even though men might be more involved statistically, women are just as subject as men are to issues of porn and gaming. So your overall topic is interesting, but you'll probably want to try coming in at it from a different angle. Let me know if you have questions!
