Monday, February 6, 2012

Letters Explaining My Transgression

To the Honorable Yu Rin Truble
Dear Sir:
Due to a set of unfavorable coincidences, I received my fourth traffic ticket resulting in a suspension of my driving privileges. I appreciate all the effort in takes to effectively run a government and I am a full supporter of the principle of due process, but I feel the charges against me are unwarranted. The circumstances surrounding my situation at the time of my fourth ticket make it unreasonable for this ticket to stand. There is a fine line between the spirit of the law and the letter. As a judge, surely you must understand that. If rushing a precious pet to the vet does not warrant a slight increase of speed, I'm sure I do not know what does. My boa constrictor needed me that day. I respectfully request that you review my case.
Heather Johnson

To my dear mother
Dear Mom,
How's going Mommy? Things are well here. I went to the basketball game last night and it was super fun. I'm doing really well in all my classes and all my tests went great this week. Things just seem to be falling into place for me. I even volunteered at the elementary school this week. The only bad thing this week was that Bernie had a massive stroke, so I had to rush him to the vet. On my way there, I had a bit of a run in with a cop, but things are ok. I think when I come to visit next weekend I'll will just try and catch a ride with someone.  You'll be proud of me; I'm planning on spending a lot less money on gas in the next little while. It's a great money saving plan I have worked up. I'll tell you more about it next weekend. Love ya lots!
love, Heather

To my classy classmates
Hey guys,
You'll never guess what happened last weekend. You know Bernie, my boa? So, he was like having a stroke so I had to rush him to the vet on Friday. The good news is he's okay. The bad news is I got a traffic ticket. Ridiculous I know. All I was doing was saving my pet's life! Anyway, here's the deal, this ticket was my fourth one, so yeah, no more driving for me. I feel super bad about not being able to drive to the concert, but I working on getting off the hook. Hopefully, you guys will back me up. It's way stupid that I got this ticket in the first place. I wasn't even going that fast and nobody ever really makes a complete stop. Besides my snake was DYING! Sometimes I think the cops are just out to get us. So....I may need a little help getting around until I can get this ticket resolved... you guys got my back right? You know I'd help you out.


  1. These letters are great! I love the part in the letter to your mom when you say that it is part of a money saving plan. Super clever!

  2. I really liked all your letters they were all great! I loved your letter to you mom because you told her all the things you did throughout the week to kind of soften her up a little. Good play.

  3. I loved all of your letters! I really liked how you expressed your gratitude multiple times to the judge (p.s. I really like his name, too) in that letter. Also, on your letter to your mom I liked how you said you had a "run in" with a cop. You didn't specifically say you got a ticket, which was pretty smart, I thought. It makes the fact that you got a ticket seem like not a big deal. Good job!
